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Contacts Management and Marketing Database

The off-the-shelf software DMW Consultancy’s client was using did not provide the flexibility to manage hundreds of customer companies, thousands of customer contacts, thousands of products and a portfolio of value-added services.

DMW developed a relational database and imported the existing marketing data into it.

Key features of the database provide the marketing department with the means to track all communications with client contacts, and to target accurately contacts likely to be interested in particular products and services.

We added modules for tracking the outcome of marketing campaigns, and to administer seminars and corporate entertainment events.

Value to Client

A flexible and powerful marketing tool and cheaper alternative to a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system:


A corporate IT VAR.


Microsoft Access and VBA.

“Know thyself. Know the customer. Innovate.”

Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Comstock (GE public relations executive, 1990 to 2017)